Obama's Re-election a Win for Climate Change Negotations .

As the world celebrates President Barack Obama's re-election to the White-house the question remains as to whether the current most powerful man in the World will keep to his recent promises of keeping United States of America accountable to climate change.

According to the Whitehouse , the President has taken unprecedented action to build the foundation for a clean energy economy, tackle the issue of climate change, and protecting environment..

Under the Obama administrations, the United States has engaged the international community to promote sustainable economic growth and to meet the climate change challenge through a number of important venues, including  being in the frontline in International Climate Negotiations.

For instance in December 2009, President Obama and other world leaders came together to negotiate the Copenhagen Accord, an important milestone in which, for the first time, all major developed and developing economies agreed to implement measures to limit their greenhouse gas emissions and to do so in an internationally transparent manner.

Then followed the Cancun Agreement in 2010 where the negotiations were confirmed and substantially extended the core elements of the Copenhagen Accord in the areas of finance, technology and adaptation as well as mitigation and transparency in an instrument that the Parties enthusiastically endorsed.

On greenhouse gas emissions, the Whitehouse confirms that the Obama administration was  pursuing a wide range of initiatives that reduce emissions through clean energy technologies and policies. Since 2008 , the Administration has made the largest clean energy investment in American history .

US has been among developed nations accused of being responsible for a large scale greenhouse gas emissions.

With the re-election of President Obama , the world will be waiting for his administration to soften its stands on international agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement imposing limits on emissions of carbon dioxide and other green house gases scientists blame for rising world temperatures and , rising sea levels.

The agreement was negotiated in 2004 in Kyoto, Japan and rectified by 140 nations , Kenya included. US has for many years failed to rectify the much negotiated agreement.

The agreement will feature among issues to be laid down on the table for discussions during forth-coming United Nations led Climate Change talks in Doha , Qatar later this month.

The Doha Climate Change-2012 is set to be held between 26th November and 9th December 2012.Over 17, 000 negotiators among them top government officials and scientists from across the world have been invited for the annual talks..





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