
Showing posts from November, 2012

Kenyans Join International NGOs to Demand Extension of Kyoto Protocol.

By Charles Ogallo in Doha,Qatar. Kenyan experts from the civil society have joined their colleagues across the globe in challenging developed nations to wake up to the realities of climate change and ensure unity and trust in tackling the global phenomenon by allowing second committed of the Kyoto Protocol. At the opening of the UN climate Change conference in Doha, Qatar on Monday , the experts joined their DOHA, QATAR HOSTS COP18 DOHA 2012 international colleagues from NGOs organized in the Climate Action Network (CAN) in accusing the industrialized countries among them US of being insensitive to the needs of millions of people facing the brunt of climate change. They particularly criticized Japan and Canada for refusing to sign up to the Kyoto Protocol’s second commitment period. Led by Dr. Bernard Okeyo, Executive director ECO –Ethic-Kenya, the environmentalists however called on US President Barack Obama...

Obama's Re-election a Win for Climate Change Negotations .

As the world celebrates President Barack Obama's re-election to the White-house the question remains as to whether the current most powerful man in the World will keep to his recent promises of keeping United States of America accountable to climate change. According to the Whitehouse , the President has taken unprecedented action to build the foundation for a clean energy economy, tackle the issue of climate change, and protecting environment.. Under the Obama administrations, the United States has engaged the international community to promote sustainable economic growth and to meet the climate change challenge through a number of important venues, including  being in the frontline in International Climate Negotiations. For instance in December 2009, President Obama and other world leaders came together to negotiate the Copenhagen Accord, an important milestone in which, for the first time, all major developed and developing economies agreed to implement measures to lim...

Kenya Plans To Expand Geothermal Energy

By  Diana Wanyonyi Power blackouts experienced in various parts of Kenya in the past few weeks have posed a major challenge to the entire economy of the country especially the industry and business sector that bared the heavy cost during the incidences.    To avert such situations in future, Kenya Government through the Kenya Electricity Generation Company-KENGEN is embarking on plans to invest heavily on electricity generation in the country. These plans are focused on expanding geothermal energy production projects in the country specifically for sufficient and reliable supply of electricity. Olkaria II Geothermal Power plant -Kenya Olkaria II Geothermal Power plant located in the Kenyan Rift Valley is one of those clean energy projects in the country, with a potential electric capacity of greater 105 MW. The plant has a total of 25 production wells that produce hot steam from the earth’s internal heat and three generating units. Each genera...