US Government Challenges Africa on Climate Change


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is urging African governments to begin devising adaptation measures in order to cushion their people against the vagaries of weather.

Clinton in her keynote address stressed the need for African governments to now more than ever, find solutions to nature's challenges including climate change and provide food to her people.

However the climate changes community and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is also urging for significant reduction greenhouse gases emissions to reduce the effects of climate change.

Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga is also urging the industrialized nations to help Africa to mitigate the effects of climate change.

A combination of both the industrialized and developing countries have continued to pump record levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Already Kenya is reeling under four years of failed rains while the downside will see a flooding period during the short rains when meteorologists have predicted an El Nino weather phenomenon.

The meeting in Copenhagen is coming at a critical time when there are threats of sea levels rising, melting of mountain glaciers that have often acted as water reservoirs and supplied hundreds of millions of people with water.

The climatologists further predict increased incidents of severe droughts, storms, disease incidences, and reduced biodiversity with stressed agricultural production.

Already many rivers and dams in Kenya have dried up as environmental degradation continues unabated in the countries main water towers such as Mau Forests.

Attempts by the Kenya Government to evict illegal settlers from forests is becoming a pipe dream with opposition coming strong from local political leadership who reads politics even in such vital issues as environmental preservations


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