KENYA: CPJ concerned over police intimidation of Star reporters
By KOJANEWS.NET The Committee to Protect Journalist is concerned Kenyan police are attempting to intimidate journalists at the private daily, The Star, to reveal their sources for a June 20 article that said the Kenyan Anti-Terrorism Police Unit had lost crucial files about an accused al-Qaeda member. In July, officers of the Anti-Terrorism Police Unit interrogated Investigations Editor Andrew Teyie and reporter Maina Kamore for four hours about the sources for their story, according to defense lawyer Paul Muite. The police also summoned the newspaper’s editor, Catherine Gicheru, and political editor, Paul Ilado, for questioning. After refusing to reveal their sources, Teyie and Kamore received a summons to appear August 12 in the magistrate’s court in the coastal city of Mombasa to explain how they obtained information for the article, according to the court summons. Muite wrote a letter to Attorney General Amos Wako saying the summons breached Kenyan law; an individual cannot be sum...