Hurry up! 2.6 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation

The International Year of Sanitation (IYS) has officially been launched, and the need to accelerate progress on global sanitation is more urgent than ever. As part of its ongoing efforts to address the growing sanitation crisis, WSSCC is launching a new WASH campaign.

The key message of the 2003 campaign, "Hurry up! 2.4 billion people want to use the toilet.”, (referring to the number of people who lack access to adequate sanitation), remains the core of the new WASH materials. Sadly, the number of people without adequate sanitation has increased. If 2.4 billion people were “waiting to use the toilet” in 2003, that number stands at 2.6 billion today.

The new set of WASH advocacy materials supports the broader goal of the IYS of raising awareness about the global sanitation crisis. The posters, postcards and stickers are designed to support WASH advocacy initiatives carried out by WSSCC's national coordinators, members and partners at the global level and at the country level. Indeed, the International Year of Sanitation provides a unique opportunity to reach out to decision-makers, and to firmly attach sanitation to the world's political agenda. Supported by its members, WSSCC will continue its advocacy efforts to achieve that goal.

"I hope all our members and colleagues in the sector will find these new WASH advocacy materials useful in our work of advocating for water and sanitation for all. IYS is our big opportunity to make a real push on sanitation advocacy. Therefore we expect that these materials will be widely used during IYS and beyond." Jon Lane, Executive Director of WSSCC
Please click on the following link to find the whole set of new WASH advocacy materials:


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