The KOJA Strategic Plan 2007-2010 outlines the key programme areas. This plan, apart from being the main fulcrum of strategic guidance and future direction, will give KOJA the much anticipated impetus, optimism and commitment to meeting the future challenges of governance and development through the media in Kenya. It also serves as our template of development within a growing, dynamic and difficult competitive environment. The Plan is currently under review to respond to new challenges. The new Plan will cover the period 2007-2011.The salient KOJA programmatic areas are outlined in the Strategic Plan (2007-2011) as follows:


• To promote decision making among membership
• To improve quality service delivery to readers/communities.
• To raise awareness among Journalists of their journalistic duties, and
• To mainstream journalistic participation in online Journalism and ICTs development.
• Training of Trainers (ToT)
• Development of education sessions for Online and ICTs Journalists
• Identification of suitable training institutions and resource persons
• Putting in place structures and systems for community and civil society participation in Media governance, and
• Resource mobilizations.


• To establish and enforce minimum integrity and accountability standards among its membership
• To seek and promote innovative community participation mechanisms
• To lobby public and private sectors to effectively participate in media development
• Promote consultative forums for research and development with government, civil society and private sector
• To promote joint action planning and committees for enhancement of online Journalism and ICT for Development (ICT4D).
• Develop and promote integrity systems in the Media
• Review of Government legislation which impact on Media and peoples participation
• Initiate policy research in priority areas
• Develop a Journalistic participation strategy, and
• Implement service delivery surveys in all local online media organizations.


• To improve the commitment and create interest among members and stakeholders
• To improve accountability to members
• To develop and implement appropriate communication and reporting systems
• To strengthen the content and circulation of KOJA Alpha Newsletter, and
• To encourage members to acquire and install modern electronic communication systems.
• Encouraging members to be on e-mail/ internet
• Reviewing and operationalising the KOJA structures
• Develop a strategy to poll members and civil society
• Establish a Public Relations Office to enhance relations with civil society and private/ public sectors
• Regular production and dissemination of KOJA Alpha Newsletter
• Develop a media strategy, and
• Participate effectively in regional media and ICTs networks.


• To develop capacity to respond to stakeholder demands through improved office management, administration and communication systems, and
• To develop and install financial management, accounting and budgeting systems and procedures.
• Development of clear office procedures
• Development of an accounting manual
• Development of a stakeholder database
• Training staff in office management, accounting, reporting, and customer care, and
• Identify and deploy appropriate technical assistance in systems formulation, installation and training.


In the plan period, KOJA will evolve and promote innovative projects and approaches to address emerging challenges for effective human development in various areas.


• Conduct an annual HIV/ AIDS situation analysis
• Hold awareness campaigns
• Conduct poverty baseline surveys
• Develop appropriate intervention mechanisms
• Create coalitions to fight poverty
• Mobilize donor support, and
• Collect and encourage replication of best practices in housing for the urban poor.
• Conduct a gender situation analysis
• Develop a gender mainstreaming action plan
• Carry out a baseline survey of available resources in each Media Organization.
• Develop interventions that are in line with available resources


1. Networking:

The KOJA will have to be active and visible at the national level where it has taken deliberate steps to liaise and collaborate with various governmental and non-governmental counterparts and forums. These stakeholders include, in particular, The Kenya Union Of Journalists , Media Owners Associations, The Kenya Media Advisory Board , the National Assembly, relevant Ministries , Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC),Journalism Training Institutions such as the Kenya Institute of Mass Media , Government Training Institute (GTI), the Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA) and Kenya Institute of Management (KIM), the Kenya Alliance of Residents’ Associations (KARA), non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and research institutions working in the field of Good Governance such The Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR), The Centre for Law and Research International (CLARION), The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Transparency International (TI), The Centre for Conflict Research (CCR), Peace and Development Network (Peacenet), etc., and the media including the major media houses in print and Electronic media.

On the international level, KOJA will be one of the driving forces towards the establishment of the East African Online Journalists Association (EAOJA) as an umbrella body with Its mandate to represent the interests of online Journalists within the East African Community and lobby for a strengthened role and recognition of the online Journalism in the region.

KOJA will work closely in Partnership with the Commonwealth Journalists Association CJA, International Institute for ICT- Journalism in Ghana, Penplusbytes, Online News Association, and International Federation of Journalists and other media associations globally.

2. Partnerships:

KOJA will be engaged in programmatic as well as long-term structural collaboration with various donors and grant management bodies.

KOJA cooperation with partners is guided by KOJA’s strategic plan 2006-2011 that provides the association’s strategic Programme areas.

Emerging Challenges:

KOJA has established itself on the scene of public affairs and indeed as a mouthpiece of ICT and online Journalists in Kenya.

The immediate challenges facing KOJA are:

- Effective participation in the constitutional reforms.
- Capacity development for the online Journalists.
- Ensuring effective and efficient networking.
- Financial viability and sustainability of KOJA.
- Decentralization of KOJA to further strengthen KOJA’s outreach and communication with its members.
- Effective participation in the amendment of Kenya Media Laws.


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