
Showing posts from June, 2011

Kenya’s historical Fort Jesus now joins the World Heritage list.

By Charles Ogallo. The UNESCO’s World Heritage committee has finally inscribed Fort Jesus National Monument into the World Heritage sites list after a spirited campaign from Kenya. The fort formally received recognition from the World body in its 35th Session held recently in Paris, France, for its outstanding Universal Value. This will be the sixth Kenyan heritage site to make into the UNESCO list. The other sites are the Mijikenda Sacred Kaya Forests, Lamu Island, Lake Turkana National Parks, Mt Kenya National Parks and the lakes systems of the Rift Valley. The historical Fort Jesus widely known for its visible reminder of the once powerful Portuguese presence in the Kenyan Coast, but by far most impressive is the only Portuguese fort in the coastal city of Mombasa. Fort Jesus , Mombasa has been an exceptional symbol of the interchange of cultural values and influences between and among people of African , Arabs, Asians , Turkish , Persians and European origins whose lives have been...

The Seventh WIOMSA Symposium Photo Contest

By Julius Francis -WIOMSA . As part of the activities planned for the Seventh WIOMSA Scientific Symposium to be held in Mombasa, Kenya from 24-28 October 2011, West Indian Ocean Marine scientists Association-WIOMSA and the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), will be launching a Photo Contest based on the theme of the Symposium: "Dealing with Global Change". According to Julius Francis , the WIOMSA General Secretary, Photo contest entries should demonstrate impacts of global change at different levels and how actions are contributing towards coping with global change at a local or national level. The photos should depict scenes from the marine and coastal environment in the region, both above and below the ocean surface, and can illustrate relevant human activities, research, environmental impacts, and wildlife.